When the universe is talking
Yesterday it happened again: I actually wanted to write this blog and the topic was already fixed: synchronicities. The laptop was already up, the tea cooked, I had time. But something was missing. The gut feeling said: not now. So I spent the evening differently. And when I lay in bed in the evening, just before falling asleep, I suddenly knew what was missing: one of the most beautiful stories about synchronicities that I know. The curious thing: a year ago I had written a newspaper article about this story – and this just raided from the archive that day, for a completely different reason. I did not know the connection to this blog, although I had already decided to write about synchronicities.
And that’s why I’m telling you this story of an Augsburg-based entrepreneur wich is actually about how your whole life can change if you follow the voice of the universe. This story happened to Sina Trinkwalder, or better: she accepted what the universe presented to her on a silver platter. At that time she was the director of a successful advertising agency. Nevertheless, she somehow knew, that this could not have been all, that there is more to do in her life. One day, after a business meeting, she had a momentous encounter with a homeless person. At the station she disposed of a pile of women’s magazines – specimens of her work. The homeless rummaged the magazines out of the trash. And when Trinkwalder asked out of curiosity, what he wanted with it, he explained that he would make Christmas decorations out of the pictures – after all, he and his wife would not have a home and a Christmas tree because they lived on the street.
A short time later, the entrepreneur sat on the train and the encounter with the homeless had touched her extremely. In the train you meet business people, travelers – but Trinkwalder met again a homeless man. She told him that she was no longer satisfied with her work in the consumer society and that she wanted to do something, that would give her more meaning. The homeless man said only: Such a nonsense. Work does not have to make sense for oneself, but for society.
When Trinkwalder was back home, she knew, what she wanted to do: starting a business where people find work that would otherwise have no chance to participate in society. She now manages the successful company Manomama. More than 150 employees, who fell through the social systems, produce organic products and clothing for the company. One of her most successful projects owes Trinkwalder to another meeting with a homeless person. Once again at the station, this time on a bench, the two get into conversation. And suddenly the man apologizes for his looks and his shabby plastic bags, but he does not have anything else to stow his things. Trinkwalder had previously heard of a company that has tons of residue, that could be recycled. She just did not know, what to make of it, until this moment: backpacks for the homeless. Since then, the entrepreneur also produces backpacks, which she distributes free of charge to the homeless. She has already received several awards for her commitment.
It can not be any clearer, if the universe speaks to you, right? Even if this sounds like a story that only happens to a very lucky person, these synchronicities, big and small, are there every day. We just do not realize it. What we’ve all experienced before: You pick up the phone, you want to call someone, and suddenly he calls you. You think of someone and suddenly he writes to you. Or you think: “Hui! Take care of this tomato and this knife! “And you have already cut your finger.
Two weeks ago, this happened to me: One day before my new yoga class should start, I suddenly lost the room. There was already a lease, although everything did not feel really right. And then the deal actually burst and I was without a room. This morning I went to the city to drink a cappuccino before work, which I usually never do. In the city I met a friend, who I told the story of the room. At first she did not know any advice, but wanted to think about it. When I was already gone – but still in the parking lot in front of the car, she came back and searched for me. I should ask in the Würzburger “Freiraum”, a community, which offers a free space for free common activities. I did that the same evening and changed my idea of a yoga class into an open acroyoga jam. The people were totally impressed, because that fits exactly into their concept. Since then, I offer an open and free acroyoga jam – exactly, what I wanted.
Just a coincidence?
Everything just coincidence? Certainly not. The concept of synchronicity was coined by Carl Gustaf Jung. And he has defined it as follows: “Synchronicity is the simultaneity of a certain mental state with one or more external events, which appear as analogous parallels to the momentary subjective state.” This refers to two or more events, that happen first or simultaneously inside and then externally, without being causally connected by cause and effect – a quasi reflection of your spiritual world and the material world.
Jung’s scientific research goes much further, of course, but yoga has known this connection of mind and matter for much longer. The All-One-Being: everything is connected with everything. Ultimately, everything is pure consciousness. We have just forgotten, how to see this truth. Because with the material world comes the distinction: I do identify with this and that. I like these things, others not. Kavailya is in yoga the detachment from these arrests, the freedom of the spirit or even the return to this All-One Being. And these are also those brief moments, when we suddenly come to understand the language of the universe, in which everything seems to make sense and is magically linked: synchronicities.
Everything is connected
The universe actually communicates with us continuously, we mostly just do not understand the language. Most of it just rushes past us, and if we do not like what’s going on, we call it a “stupid coincidence” or fate. Only if it is obviously something good for us, we recognize the synchronicity and look forward like crazy, about what a great thing just happened to us. It actually happens the whole day! Because everything that happens, comes in harmony with us. In yoga there is no right and wrong, no good and bad, just a lot of possibilities. And we change these possibilities with every action, every thought and every feeling. So we create our own reality. Try it: Ask yourself a question or make a wish and look consciously in daily life, where it gives you answers or hints. Seeking synchronicities is a wonderful occupation, like learning a new foreign language: universally. And even if one understands only a few words of a foreign language, that leads you miles in a foreign country.